A downloadable asset pack

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Goes on sale for many American holidays.

At that time, all 3000+ existing asset files plus all future updates to those, and indie games when they release, bundled for about $2. 

WHAT IS THIS?: I've gathered a massive volume of more of my own carefully selected photography, high resolution, and am steadily processing that material into tiling texture maps usable for 3d art and game development. I've continued expanding this collection since its first limited launch on April 27th, 2020.

It now contains hundreds of high-resolution, seamless texture maps. Well over 250.

How high res are these images? Mostly 2048x2048. As you can imagine, hundreds of image files, that big, with minimal compression, also means that the filesize of the collection is large and will, even with high-speed internet, likely take you a few minutes to download. 

What categories of textures are in this package?: Wood, soil, metal, flooring, fabric, stone, grass and shrubs, a lot of different types of materials organized into relevant folders! You can add them to your models and use them in your own 3d renders, video VFX sequences, video game levels. Royalty-free, too, with no need to credit me. If you like this, though, I'd appreciate a comment or review here on Itch.IO. 

Pricing - This is now under $2 as an asset pack, so less than a penny per image file in the first place. But if that's not good enough, know that I will use almost any holiday as a time to enact a major sale, usually about 8-10 times per year (often including New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patricks' Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas)... so if you can show up during one of those sales, you can often find a massive bundle deal with all my paid items for around $2 USD which is a pretty amazing price for thousands of texture files, decals, and overlays, hundreds of video elements and hundreds of 3d assets!


These materials I am working on, are all photography-based with real-world sources. They all are seamless to tile. The texture maps included are not all diffuse maps, some are bump/displacement maps, some are normal maps, some are reflection/specular maps. A few of the textures I've made (across a number of collections) may also have opacity/transparency maps. All of these textures, as with other asset packs I've released before, make it possible to create realistic-looking materials for 3d art.

 And if you're curious about my other collections, feel free to browse my other asset packs and projects too on my profile - https://matthornb.itch.io/ as I have a ton of similarly fantastically well-priced and very substantial collections beyond this one.

Typical sales timing each year includes Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas-New Year's. Sometimes the sales extend well before the holidays themselves on Etsy so there's time for the ordered items to ship to be there on the holiday itself. 


As usual, any ratings, reviews, comments, etc, are welcomed. 

I know most Itch users don't post reviews and many don't even know how to, don't even realize there is a review function, but any reviews posted here are helpful.

Nonetheless, I'll note that this collection has been bought a few times already here and also a few times as part of a bigger bundle of ALL of my textures on Etsy, a collection that includes the 2020, 2022, Autumn 2018, and TACC2018 texture collections in a single bundle [at a slightly higher price]. That larger collection has been bought eight times so far on Etsy and has resulted in several positive reviews, as seen below:

While there are many buyers on Itch, and some even have tipped generously, it's largely momentum on Etsy that has been keeping things moving here lately on my Itch shop. It's largely because of Etsy sales that I've continued to update these stock media asset-pack collections at the rate I have been. And the combination of $75+ in sales of stock media on Itch in the past 12 months and $90+ in sales on Etsy over the same timeframe, means I'm very excited and optimistic about what updates and releases will be possible for me to complete in both games and asset collections over the course of 2023.

So to all those who have helped keep this going, growing and accelerating: THANK YOU!


Get this asset pack and 20 more for $2.75 USD
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$1.95 $1.26 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1.26 USD. You will get access to the following files:

2020-bonus-texture-asset-pack-win-osx-linux.zip 631 MB
Version 15

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Another incremental update: 40+ additional texture maps (new image files, including some seamless diffuse, specular, displacement, normal, and ambient occlusion maps) are now included in this collection, bringing total included texture image count well above 450, as of April 2, 2022.